In our current polarized and divided political environment, the show runners
challenged us to create a more positive, optimistic and progressive show package.

What happens when you open your mind to another point of view?
Spoiler alert: Sometimes it gets weird!
Inspired by the new Green Day anthem, we juxtapose language and imagery
in unconventional ways to do the impossible: illustrate the common ground in American politics.

The Pop art Warhol style creates an environment that strikes the right
balance of edgy and friendly, paving the way to rich conversations.
At the same time, we explored a color palette more in line with the late
night time slot and the set.

Through discussions with the show we created a list of subjects we
thought were important to illustrate. In the process, we realized taking out
the language created political Rorschach tests. Is what you see influenced
by your own view of the world or can you see both sides?

The Rorschach idea engages casual viewers,
but for those that want to go deeper, we created a bunch of Easter eggs.
For instance, the number of seconds the show has been on the air.

Some are in every frame, like RT620 - the number of shows.
Some are more subtle, like the three in the currency section.
The plan for the show package was simple, clear and informative.
We simplified the textures and colors from the open and kept the animation to a minimum
so as not to distract from the information or Bill.
Great clients with great ideas, an awesome team working on the project,
and great response from the audience.
