Nickelodeon Goes on an Adventure takes kids behind-the-scenes of all the things & places
they find fascinating, including discovering the exciting stories that bring to life
the latest Nickelodeon events and experiences from around the world.

Our hosts are top investigators and special agents on a mission to
discover information necessary to save the day...or event!
Think Mission Impossible: Nick Edition - though maybe with less smoke and explosions.

Our designs are mission-influenced, with a high-tech grid maps
and crosshair overlays highlighting important details.
And like any good spy, you need to choose the right ride.

Ready to GO!
Starting with the bumper.
Our hosts are digital nomad spies. As they experience the
world, they document their discoveries. Photos and videos can be taken
handheld or selfie-style, grounding us in the world of social media
and shareable content.

And we gave them all the other elements a spy needs to travel around the world.
